The Leadership Circle Profile is simply the best tool out there to understand who you are and how you behave as a leader
That's why i got certified as a practitioner
When is the best time to invest in yourself? 20 years ago
When is the second best time to invest in yourself? Right Now
2 years ago, as part of my ICP-EC with Michele Madore, Author, ICE-EC, I took part in the Leadership Circle profile as part of my leadership development. Leadership Circle
It was overwhelming at the time and fundamental to me seeing myself as others see me and understanding what I could work on for my leadership development.
Earlier this year, I had the chance to work with the great Philippe Joannis and MarĂa Becerro to become a practitioner.
I did this because I honestly think the Leadership Circle Profile is simply the best tool out there to understand who you are and how you behave as a leader.
It is :
1. Data-backed (200,000 leaders surveyed worldwide)
2. Research-based (300 Million data points)
3. Supported by the most wonderful community I have ever met
And based on simply the best book on leadership I have ever read:
Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results
by William A. Adams and Robert J. Anderson
Since becoming a practitioner, I have worked with many leaders to help them understand themselves, understand how others see them, and grow and develop, getting them fit for their future.
DM if you are interested in knowing more. I have some discounts available for good causes and development situations